Saturday, November 17, 2012

November Birchbox


Tons of AWESOME stuff in this month's box. Definitely a step up from last month. Individual pictures and mini-reviews under the cut.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Illegally Fabulous

I have always been pretty hard to please with mascara. My eyelashes have always caused me issues and a lot of the times messing with them is more of a headache than they're worth. Add that to the fact that I have very pale skin and dark mascara makes me look frightening when it inevitably smears under my eyes, and you get my disinterest in mascara. Sure, I always have worn some, but I've never felt the need to find "the perfect mascara." I've had more of a "well I suppose this will do" attitude.

But! That all changed when I picked up Illegal Length from Maybelline. I ended up getting it during the sale that CVS was having a couple of weeks back. It was a couple of dollars off from its usually $8.99 price, so I thought why not? It took me a couple of days to use it since I wasn't used to reaching for it instead of my old stand-by Great Lash, but when I finally did use it I was amazed. Thanks to the fact that it uses fiber-technology it made my lases long, long, long. Plus, I didn't notice the fibers settling on my cheeks during the day. It totally stayed put!

I would definitely recommend this mascara. It made my lashes look long and beautiful. I did notice a little bit of clumping, but I definitely think the trade-off for length is worth it.

More pictures after the cut!